Beers you avoid


Aug 18, 2020
Reaction score
$ 1,000.00
let's just make this easier.

I like most beers but I tend to avoid the German styles.

Not a fan of hefeweizens or dubbels or any of those super bitter beers...

I can do a helles lager, but that might be it.

I am also not a huge fan or the super high octane Imperial IPAs out there. I don't want to taste the boozy flavor.
I'll drink pretty much any beer if it's free except Budweiser original.

I don't know if there's something in it that I'm allergic to or what, but if I drink more than 2 of them I get a massive headache and wake up feeling like I drank 18.

This has happened a few times so it wasn't just a coincidence.
I'll drink pretty much any beer if it's free except Budweiser original.

I don't know if there's something in it that I'm allergic to or what, but if I drink more than 2 of them I get a massive headache and wake up feeling like I drank 18.

This has happened a few times so it wasn't just a coincidence.
I get that way with Sam Adams lagers for some reason

I like Bud Heavy and will drink that or Banquet Beer or MGD if that is there and I have a longer day of drinking ahead of me.
hefeweizens er nasty

shandies and gose are nasty

brown ales are nasty
I’ll drink nearly anything if it’s free. If I’m buying beer, I avoid most American lagers (Bud, Coors, Miller), Mexican or Asian beers, although I’ll get the latter two at a restaurant. I just don’t typically buy them for home consumption.
Oh ya, Mexican beer is just the results from failed water purification attempts.

Terrible shit.
Nectars of gods. Brown and red ales are divine, heathen.
Newcastle is revolting. Prolly only tried a couple others.

I can stomach maybe one with dinner. They make me feel like shit the next day.
If I'm out ice fishing or something and wanna drink 20 beers, I usually buy shitty American beer like Coors Light.

But I'll NEVER buy Miller Lite on purpose. That has to be the shittiest beer(?) on the planet.
Newcastle is revolting. Prolly only tried a couple others.

I can stomach maybe one with dinner. They make me feel like shit the next day.

Newcastle is good. If you ever visit my glorious state, you should try a New Glarus Fat Squirrel. Best brown ale in the universe.
If I'm out ice fishing or something and wanna drink 20 beers, I usually buy shitty American beer like Coors Light.

But I'll NEVER buy Miller Lite on purpose. That has to be the shittiest beer(?) on the planet.
I am the opposite.

I would prefer a Miller Lite to a Coors LIght.
Newcastle is good. If you ever visit my glorious state, you should try a New Glarus Fat Squirrel. Best brown ale in the universe.
It's too malty. Gives me heartburn and a hangover.

I don't know what is wrong with India people...maybe all that curry has burned up their tastebuds? If I want bombastic flavor in my alcohol, I'll go with a liqueur or some whine. Beer should have a flavor, but it shouldn't be so overwhelming. 2️⃣ cents.
If I'm out ice fishing or something and wanna drink 20 beers, I usually buy shitty American beer like Coors Light.

But I'll NEVER buy Miller Lite on purpose. That has to be the shittiest beer(?) on the planet.
The only Miller product I can deal with is High Life.

I don't know what is wrong with India people...maybe all that curry has burned up their tastebuds? If I want bombastic flavor in my alcohol, I'll go with a liqueur or some whine. Beer should have a flavor, but it shouldn't be so overwhelming. 2️⃣ cents.
IPAs are so hit and miss. They can either be the best beer you've ever had, or like getting buttfucked by a pine tree.

Here's the key I've figured out. Look at the can. The more pictures of hops on the can, the shittier it gets. If that can has some giant hop on it, or a hop-pun in the name, it's gonna taste like a pine tree orgy.
IPAs are so hit and miss. They can either be the best beer you've ever had, or like getting buttfucked by a pine tree.

Here's the key I've figured out. Look at the can. The more pictures of hops on the can, the shittier it gets. If that can has some giant hop on it, or a hop-pun in the name, it's gonna taste like a pine tree orgy.
I’m the opposite. Maybe it comes from living on the West Coast, but I’m used to hop-bomb IPAs, which are hard as fuck to find in Texas. Most IPAs I can get here taste bland to me.
I’m the opposite. Maybe it comes from living on the West Coast, but I’m used to hop-bomb IPAs, which are hard as fuck to find in Texas. Most IPAs I can get here taste bland to me.
I can't get drunk on super hoppy ipas. Wake up at 3 am feeling like I got throat-fucked by a pinecone.