737 Max Grounded Again

Aug 18, 2020
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$ 295.00
Near Philadelphia
Boeing has grounded the 737 Max after detecting a problem in its electrical system. CNN safety analyst David Soucie said he believes the issue involves a backup to the main power system that powers all of the aircraft's electrical parts. The system is roughly analogous to the circuit breaker panel in a house. 16 customers are affected.

The fact that the planes were grounded indicates that this is potentially a "catastrophic" problem that could have caused a fire, Soucie said. But he noted it's a good sign for the plane — and its safety — that the potential threat was discovered before there was an incident.

Flying the Max is like taking a test flight. I just read that after a complete power failure, and when battery power runs out after about 30 minutes, the windmilling engines will pump enough hydraulics and pneumatics to maintain a minimum level of flight control authority. So, the clean (flaps, gear and speedbrakes up) glide rate is about 3 miles for every 1000', so from 33,000' the pilots have around 100 miles, or 15-20 minutes, to sort it out or prepare to be the first ever arrival at an undesignated location. :eek:

Boeing's 737 Max has a new problem that will ground some of the jets again
Planes are forced to arrive at undesignated locations all the time...
It wasn't all Max's, just a few of them. and 100 miles is plenty of time to find an alternate airport if you have both engines go out and the APU, which is pretty tough to have happen.

that this was found and the order was placed is a good thing, but these type of AD's come out for different makes of planes all the time. If this wasn't the Max this happened to it never would have made it into the main stream news cycle.