Poll Most disappointing team of the first half

Most disappointing first half team

  • Total voters
Aug 17, 2020
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$ 10,650.00
I think there's 4 teams that have good arguments.

Braves- Was a win away from making the World Series last year, and they haven't been above .500 at any point this season
Yankees- One of the best teams last season and now they can't score, are hovering around .500 and are a full 10 games behind the Red Sox and in 4th place
Twins- Despite their playoff failures, they've been a really good regular season team the last few years, they're in last place and are out of the playoff picture
Cardinals- They acquired Nolan Arenado and returned most of what had been a really good team. They currently sit under .500, in 4th place, 10 games out of first
I think I have to go with the Cardinals.

While I have been very frustrated with the Braves, they are still very much in contention to win the NL East, and I think getting a couple good pen arms at the deadline could really help the cause.

The Yankees are probably out of the division race, but they're one hot streak away from being in the thick of the Wild Card race, but they are the Yankees, and I know they'd win a national poll in a landslide

I kinda feel like the Twins overachieved big time the last couple of years, and while I didn't expect them to fall off the map, I didn't have them predicted as a playoff team.

But I think everyone was picking the Cardinals to win the Central going away. The Cubs have been trending downward, the Reds lost Bauer, the Brewers had taken steps back the last couple of years and with the Cardinals staying largely in tact and adding Arenado, they're well behind all of those teams. It's gonna take a major turnaround to get back in the hunt being so far back of the division, and the NL West is gonna have 3 playoff teams, so it's division crown or bust for teams in the Central or East.
I would go with the Braves. An excellent team with an excellent farm system in a weak division. I do think they will win their division and will be a threat for the World Series, but at this time ... disappointing.
The Braves bullpen was gutted, and those that remained from a great pen last season have failed to match their numbers of the last couple of seasons. Losing Melancon had a far bigger impact than expected, and O'Day has been missed as well, then the underperformance of Smith, Martin, Webb and Minter and it's a recipe for disaster.

Then we re-sign Marcel Ozuna, who produced a negative WAR while he was in the lineup decided to beat up his wife in front of cops.

And the rotation has actually been pretty good lately, but has been plagued with injuries all year, some self inflicted like our best pitcher at the time breaking his hand punching a wall.

It's been frustrating for sure, but objectively, I think the Cards are the right choice.
I have to say the Twins are most disappointing. I know they’ve been like a regular season paper champ that blows up in the playoffs, but I really saw them as continuing to grow and improve this year. IIRC I think I had the White Sox taking the division with the Twins in the WC.

Very unimpressive showing from them this year.
I have to say the Twins are most disappointing. I know they’ve been like a regular season paper champ that blows up in the playoffs, but I really saw them as continuing to grow and improve this year. IIRC I think I had the White Sox taking the division with the Twins in the WC.

Very unimpressive showing from them this year.
Their playoff game losing streak is incredible.
Normally I would vote for the team that has the 2nd highest payroll in MLB and is struggling to stay above .500, but I love watching the Yankees suck so............................. I'm not disappointed at all. Probably have to give it to the Braves.
Since @Win TWINS!!! died
minions what GIF
I had to vote Braves only because of their offense and that the NL East is a division that is right there for the Braves to take, but they just can't seem to grasp it. And as they continue to fall short of reaching .500 other teams in that division are starting to gain momentum, like the Nationals. But if Atlanta started the season like they should have, they'd be 10-15 games ahead in first place.

However, you could easily vote Yankees. An absolutely stacked roster at the plate and they can't seem to do anything. Consistently lose games they are supposed to win.
Uh, my own. Just like almost every year they've been in existence.
John Krasinski GIF
I'd say Twins. They played .600+ ball in 2019-20 and looked like one of the AL favorites coming into 2021 and they're currently 35-48 despite playing in a crappy division. They've got to go 46-33 just to finish .500. Their playoff hopes look pretty shot.
Braves or Cardinals.

The Twins are cursed so that's not surprising.

I still can't believe the Braves with that roster are where they are in the standings and now some awful luck with Acuna.

Cardinals from the standpoint that they should've been the favorites in the division. I don't think anyone had them as a top contender but the offense being this bad is....something.
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Should be noted that all teams mentioned other than the Twins have since played their way back into playoff contention
Can we get a head start on the second half disappointment thread and list the Padres, Mets, and Redsox?
Can we get a head start on the second half disappointment thread and list the Padres, Mets, and Redsox?
Mets would win going away now. They went from 4 games up to 3.5 games back and in third place in no time. Red Sox and Padres are still holding on to WC spots