2023 Secret Weapon for the Lawn/Garden

Aug 17, 2020
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$ 18,000.00
Oklahoma City
2 years ago it was Milorganite


Last year it was bone meal/blood meal

This year ????
Hold On !!!!!
ok, here it is.

hapi-gro Landscaper's Mix at Lowes and Black Kow soil.
This hapi-gro is like a bag of mulch that is already 80% broken down into compost, it's wonderful


First time I used Black Kow manure compost and dang, where have I been


Jesus Fuk, just add 2-3 bags of Black Kow with 1 bag of hapi-gro and it's the fluffiest soil I've ever seen.

The best part ???

Only $4.08 for 2 Cubic Feet for the hapi-gro.
Black Kow is about $6.00 a bag, so not as great.

That's the price of regular mulch and way lower than any other soil amendment, and just what I needed.

When you are preparing your soil, which is RIGHT NOW for many of us, it might come in usefull.

Heck, use your own soil, and mix the hapi-gro into it.

This has been your 2023 update.

Carry On
I'm going to go buy 20 more bags of the hapi-gro today.
Before they run out, or realize it's priced too low.

I'll just use it like regular mulch and bypass years of breakdown

"Yes, yes, Raleigh St. Augustine, best lawn in Arlen, maybe next week we compare salaries!"
Khan Soupanousaphone Sr.
Haven't seen hapi gro before, so I'll keep a look out. I did use black kow when I've planted roses the last couple years.


The blueberry plants got a 50/50 mix of peat moss and paver sand when they were planted.

Haven't seen hapi gro before
I've never seen it before until this year at Lowes.

I ended up getting 12 bags of Black Kow and 6 bags of the hapi-gro.

I'll amend it some for pots on the patio.
Remember, this hapi-gro will have some small wood chips in it, so add some additional nitrogen into it when planting.
Wood chips have a tendency to suck nitrogen out of the soil, so a little compensation will be necessary.

I'll be adding blood meal.
Supplemental Update:
I never knew that you can use Horse Feed as garden fertilizer.

It's no shit. I never knew it.
No more $2-$3-$4 a pound for a well balanced organic fertilizer.

Horse feed comes as Alfalfa Pellets, with a natural plant growth hormone in it as an added benefit.
Get the 'no added anything' 100% alfalfa.
It breaks down when it gets wet.

It's $20 for a 40 lb bag.
It's somewhere around a 2-4-2 or 3-4-2 slow release.



I'm going to buy some and try it.
I'll give updates.
Preliminary results on the Alfalfa pellets so far.

All of the shrubs and perennial container plants are responding well.

Vigorous growth, as good as any fertilizer I've used.
I'm half way thru the 2nd bag, so 60 lbs so far.

I'm going to see if I can use it in my fertilizer spreader, and find out if I can use it on my lawn.
I'll let you know how that goes.

So far, so good