Beacon in the Galaxy

Sep 15, 2020
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$ 3,154.00

The US space agency has proposed broadcasting a message, dubbed the “Beacon in the Galaxy”, intended to greet extraterrestrial intelligences. It is an updated form of the Arecibo message, broadcast in 1974 for the same purpose.

Improvements in digital technology mean that more information can now be broadcast. The proposed new message includes basic mathematical and physical concepts to establish a universal means of communication, followed by information on the biochemical composition of life on Earth.

It also includes the solar system’s location relative to major clusters of stars, along with digitised depictions of the solar system itself, Earth’s surface, and male and female humans. The message concludes with an invitation for intelligences to respond.
“We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet,” Professor Hawking said, citing the arrival of Europeans in the Americas.
I thought it said Bacon in the universe.

you had me for a minute.
Yeah, why do these nerds think it’s a good idea to invite explorers?

Explorers don’t help anyone in the areas they explore, ever.
I've seen that movie.

I've read that book.

Not sure I want to live it.

Very much a be careful what one wishes for sort of thing.
“We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet,” Professor Hawking said, citing the arrival of Europeans in the Americas.
He’s giving “ourselves” too much credit.