Did Martin Luther King have it all wrong?

Sure, let's go there. How about 170,000 dead Americans due to an alleged "hoax virus" that Trump never took seriously and never mobilized the emergency management apparatus of the fucking goddamn USA to coordinate and combat?

How about he death toll on the premature reopenings in the red states? Count the dead since.

How about the reckless push to reopen schools? Count the soon to be dead since.

You should go back to the old hoop, you're too stupid to be here!
Oh fuck. I'm in trouble now.
Jon Hamm Yes GIF
No...just presenting a whataboutism. Thanks for the offer!

"Whataboutism, also known as whataboutery, is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument.[1][2][3]

Whataboutism is particularly associated with Soviet and Russian propaganda.[4][5][6] When criticisms were leveled at the Soviet Union during the Cold War, the Soviet response would often be "What about ..." followed by an event in the Western world.[7][8][9] According to Russian writer and political activist Garry Kasparov, it is a word that was coined to describe the frequent use of a rhetorical diversion by Soviet apologists and dictators, who would counter charges of their oppression, "massacres, gulags, and forced deportations" by invoking American slavery, racism, lynchings, etc.[10] Whataboutism has been used by other politicians and countries as well."

Friggin' commie