dont let SI going under distract you from the fact that Alec Baldwin just got indicted

how did live rounds get in that gun?
Who all had the responsibility to verify it was unloaded, and who had the responsibility to NOT point it at someone and pull the trigger?
but it's a movie scene... should he point it away from people and pull the trigger on what is expected to be blanks?
Did New Mexico actually raise the money to try this case.
but it's a movie scene... should he point it away from people and pull the trigger on what is expected to be blanks?
There are protocols, that weren't followed, on using blanks. And it takes special safety precautions to even use blanks because even the wadding can cause injury. BTW, the gun was deemed cold, meaning not even blanks should have been in it. This situation could have been avoided if Alec would have followed safety protocols and checked the gun for any loads.
There are protocols, that weren't followed, on using blanks. And it takes special safety precautions to even use blanks because even the wadding can cause injury. BTW, the gun was deemed cold, meaning not even blanks should have been in it. This situation could have been avoided if Alec would have followed safety protocols and checked the gun for any loads.
agreed, anytime somebody is handed a weapon, they better fucking check it.
but it's a movie scene... should he point it away from people and pull the trigger on what is expected to be blanks?
until he checks it.
And the process of checking it is opening the cylinder for a visual inspection and then pointing it at a designated safe area, normally the ground/floor and pulling the trigger once per chamber.
The last man.
The man who will fire the weapon.
Actually several do. The armorer, designated prop people, and the actor at least are all supposed to do that. If the chain of custody is broken, the process is supposed to start over.