TV Series Foundation

If I remember correctly, it spans MUCH longer than that.

The I Robot stories are set in the late 20th to early 22nd centuries, I think.

By the time the Empire books start, Earth is almost completely forgotten about, so that has to be multiple millennia, I would think. (Or was this the beginning of the Foundation books?)

Then the development of Psycho History takes about 1000 years, I think…
I, Robot is a collection of short stories. The only relationship I notice is having a robot that seems like a human… like the genius political character in I, Robot. but now only one robot left?

doesn’t feel nearly the same as foundation.
I, Robot is a collection of short stories. The only relationship I notice is having a robot that seems like a human… like the genius political character in I, Robot. but now only one robot left?

doesn’t feel nearly the same as foundation.
It has been 25-30 years since I have read the books, but I thought it very clear that all 3 series’ were linked. I can’t provide any firm evidence since it has been so long, but I believe there were actual, hard references to the I, Robot books in the Empire and Foundation books.

wasn’t the robot from the Foundation books one of the main robot characters in the I, Robot stories?
S2 teaser trailer:

S2 full trailer:

Didn't finish season 1, and don't have Apple TV, so won't be seeing anything beyond.