Good Deed for the Day!!

Aug 19, 2020
Reaction score
$ 1,000.00
CANADA! Home of hockey and beer!
So I was getting a haircut at lunch today and while I was leaving, waiting at the red light to turn on to the boulevard, I noticed a frail lady inching her way across the road to the center median. I knew her odds of making it across the other side of the road was iffy so when my light turned green I turned onto the boulevard and hastened to the far left lane adjacent to the center median. I put on my hazards and got out and asked the lady if she would allow me to help her cross. She seemed very grateful so I took her arm and we headed out. My god she just inched along at a snails pace. She then told me she had MS. I managed to get her to safety across the street but I was worried somebody would plow into the back of my abandoned vehicle. All ended well, no accident and the lady smiled and waved at me as I left.

A decent way to kick off the week.
I would have snatched her purse and then sped away
Today at the bank, an old lady asked me to help check her balance. So I pushed her over.
Can’t get the rainbow rating soon enough.