Got back into betting

Aug 21, 2020
Reaction score
$ 1,256.00
Eugene, Oregon
Decided to get back into gambling last night. Saw there were some NBA games on, so i decided to jump in and live bet. Silly me for getting excited and seeing Lakers and Clippers at + on the moneyline in the second half and jumping at it blindly. Only to find out that, once again, the Lakers dont play all their stars and the Clippers Paul George and Leonard were also taking the night off.

Shortened season and these guys are still load managing?
Isn't this illegal where you're at?
Decided to get back into gambling last night. Saw there were some NBA games on, so i decided to jump in and live bet. Silly me for getting excited and seeing Lakers and Clippers at + on the moneyline in the second half and jumping at it blindly. Only to find out that, once again, the Lakers dont play all their stars and the Clippers Paul George and Leonard were also taking the night off.

Shortened season and these guys are still load managing?

Lol at betting money without actually researching who is playing.
