Hey Texans

.......either that or the weather guessers were fucking wrong.
Got a robo-call (recording) yesterday from Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) requesting to conserve energy or potentially face rolling blackouts. That happened last time Texas went into deep freeze and their plants shut down.
OPPD is part of the Southwest Power Pool and have a contractual agreement to supplement the SPP grid.
I'm not saying this one's also on Texas because we're in a deep freeze up here and the wind turbines and solar panels are effected by snow and extreme cold.

The robo-call was verbatim to this statement put our by OPPD. That was yesterday and I haven't had a power interuption yet that I'm aware of. I do have a whole house diesel generator that kicks on 15 seconds after it senses a loss of power.
Soooo... What you're trying to say is, that it is a bit chilly in your area right now - correct? :heh: :martini:

But yeah... getting crazy out there across the country. We're starting (later than usual) to get some real winter weather here. Temp highs under freezing and lows in the teens.

We're likely to get the sloppy snow/sleet here at the coast. Would rather have JUST the snow part! :nod:

Have Fun! :beer2: