How bad are the 2020 Red Sox? What's a Mike Kickham? It starts a game today

Not even sure about that. They're pretty close in regards to record and pythagorean record. Red Sox offense is a lot better, but the Pirates don't have a historically bad pitching staff (just a mediocre one)

Meh, just chalk it up to PTSD. I’m so sick and tired of watching that damn team be completely pathetic year after year. At least this is just a down year for the Sox and you know they’ll bounce back in time.

With the Pirates? Just more suck to come.
Not even sure about that. They're pretty close in regards to record and pythagorean record. Red Sox offense is a lot better, but the Pirates don't have a historically bad pitching staff (just a mediocre one)

Braves have a starters ERA of over 8, and that's with Max Fried.

Only thing keeping us going is we have scored the most runs in the league, and actually have a pretty good back end of the bullpen.
Not bad enough for me
Tanner Houck providing some optimism in his first 2 starts. Still would like to see more of the splitter.
that guy at fenway this weekend was awesome
