Its Thursday... and that's not up for debate

Aug 18, 2020
Reaction score
$ 1,000.00
Got some decent rain yesterday, mid 70's and sunshine today
Morning. Wrap up the ball season tonight as Grand's make up game that was going to be Monday changed locations so they could finish it tonight. So believe wife will take Lil W to her away game & I will be at Grand's home game. It was nice that they didn't play on same days thus year until today.
golfed last night..shot a 45 and could have been better had I not fucked up some shots. Happy with a 45 but it could have been a 40.

we did have a storm roll through halfway through our 9 holes...had to find shelter and ride it out.

the storm did knock out power at the house though...
Man @ill nice golfing! short game is really nice right now...not super great with the driver at the moment. I thought I had it figured out at the end of last season but I forget what I had learned that was making the ball go where i wanted it to go

guess I am going to keep on chasing that dragon short game is really nice right now...not super great with the driver at the moment. I thought I had it figured out at the end of last season but I forget what I had learned that was making the ball go where i wanted it to go

guess I am going to keep on chasing that dragon

Keep it up but remember marriage has a funny way of messing up your golf game
golfed last night..shot a 45 and could have been better had I not fucked up some shots.
Surprised Nicolas Cage GIF
Got some rain last night & this morning.... Thank god, I've been spending a fortune on my yard & the flowers after 21+ days of no rain
morning all. or afternoon I guess

One of my staff members put in their notice, so now I get the joy of trying to recruit someone
morning all. or afternoon I guess

One of my staff members put in their notice, so now I get the joy of trying to recruit someone
I put out an offer for my open position...she turned me down.

I thought I would be past being rejected by women now that I am engaged...I guess not