Music of 9/11

Aug 25, 2020
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$ 1,000.00
September 11, 2001 is a day that became infamous immediately with the terrorist attacks in the United States taking place. It was a Tuesday and in 2001, that also meant new releases of media in stores, including music. There were quite a few albums that dropped that day and are now awkwardly linked to it and its more important historical events as a result.

These are songs that were originally released on 9/11.

Didn't sleep that 10th into the 11th night.


Had the unfortunate opportunity to find my house in the middle of a "riot" that past Saturday.

Cops smashed out a couple windows and lobbed in tear gas. Hadn't been able to really be in the house till Monday.

CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS all the MSMs had broadcast trucks and reporting vans parked on the block and around the corner. (CNN has footage somewhere of me telling a reporter to leave me fuck alone.)

They were there when I walked to the computer lab at tBernhard in the middle of the night. They weren't there by the time I sprinted home a little after 9am.

Think I remember almost every second of that day.