NASCAR is taking to the streets of Chicago

This race is going to be a disaster.

I give NASCAR credit for trying new things and shaking things up in a sport that didn't like to shake things up for the better part of 4 decades. But this is just silly.

There will be little to no quality passing

It will be slow because these cars aren't built for this style of racing

Nevermind the cars, the drivers aren't accustomed to this style of racing

If I want to watch city/street racing, there's a number of series and platforms that do it better, with cars and drivers equipped to do it in an exciting way. NASCAR isn't, and never will be, that. I'll probably tune in, but only because I rarely miss a race, and I'm genuinely interested to watch the debacle unfold.
They've seemingly done everything they can to run a long time fan like me out of the sport.
I'm too much of a glutton for punishment to probably be ever truly driven away. And, NASCAR has done a lot in the past several years that I actually do like. But they've gone entirely too overboard on the gimmicky crap, and this particular race is going too far out of the box.