Sign The Kevin Costner Pledge

Aug 17, 2020
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$ 10,500.00
I (state your name) do so solemnly swear that if Kevin Costner does not return to Yellowstone I will never watch another film, TV show or other form of media that he is involved with.

Wild Turkey
I (state your name) do so solemnly swear that if Kevin Costner does not return to Yellowstone I will never watch another film, TV show or other form of media that he is involved with.

Wild Turkey
Oh, I thought it was: “don’t let your wife’s lover move into your guest house”?
I'm already not watching anything he's in, what pledge do I take???
Kind of interested to see where the show goes without him.
Meh. Show has run it's course and needs to end. Most shows peak at 4 seasons then after that go downhill fast.
How could anyone care this much about a cowboy soap opera?
Jake Gyllenhaal Love GIF
To be honest, I always thought Yellowstone was kinda over-rated. And the long-ass gaps between seasons make the show almost unwatchable at this point anyway (because I don’t remember what is happening, not because, well, there is literally no show to watch)
Meh. Show has run it's course and needs to end. Most shows peak at 4 seasons then after that go downhill fast.
He was the character I could do without in the series. Some one needs to give him a ride to the train station.
You ever watch Heartland? That is how you get caught up in cowboy drama my friend.

My mom watched it so I ended up watching a number of episodes with her. It seemed a bit schmaltzy and predictable at times but I always suspected that it scratches the same itch that Yellowstone is trying to scratch better than Yellowstone (which I've never watched) does.
If it's not a sports movie, then I'm not watching it if it has Kevin Costner in it
If it's not a sports movie, then I'm not watching it if it has Kevin Costner in it

They pull a galloping horse show, you pull a sports movie.
He sends one of yours to the injured list, you send one of his to the veterinarian! :wink: :laugh:
My mom watched it so I ended up watching a number of episodes with her. It seemed a bit schmaltzy and predictable at times but I always suspected that it scratches the same itch that Yellowstone is trying to scratch better than Yellowstone (which I've never watched) does.
My wife watched so I caught a bunch of episodes. Soap opera. One chick was hot so you know.
Meh. Show has run it's course and needs to end. Most shows peak at 4 seasons then after that go downhill fast.
Agreed. I really liked the first two seasons but it has played out. How many people can someone kill and throw over a ravine?
You ever watch Heartland? That is how you get caught up in cowboy drama my friend.
Hahaha @ Heartland

That show has two things wrong with it:
a) Set in Canada
b) Its for teenaged girls