When Laughing Was Allowed: Racial Draft


I've always wanted to say this...

Fer Shizzle!!!
Totally forgot Bill Burr was in this.
An oldie but a goodie!
Anyone seen Don Rickles eviscerate everyone in the crowd with the most racist shit you ever heard in your life and no one got mad because it was a joke?
He would mercilessly roast President Reagan to his face. Reagan about pissed himself it was so funny.
He would mercilessly roast President Reagan to his face. Reagan about pissed himself it was so funny.
A Jewish guy got mad one night in one of the Dean Martin roasts and Rickles absolutely destroyed the guy. It was like a great white to blood in the water.
Chappelle's show was the greatest sketch comedy eva and it only had two fucking seasons.
Anyone seen Don Rickles eviscerate everyone in the crowd with the most racist shit you ever heard in your life and no one got mad because it was a joke?
That guy was straight up hilarious.