wonder what happened to this lawsuit..Rudy's kid

He probably was wrongfully kicked off...but I find it funny, so screw him
Sounds like he isn't that good, but those reasons for dismissing him is pretty weak. Plays too hard at a football game? Flipped a putter?

If he sucks just tell him he sucks. Lots of kids want to be on a team but aren't good enough. Get over it, kid
Sounds like he isn't that good, but those reasons for dismissing him is pretty weak. Plays too hard at a football game? Flipped a putter?

If he sucks just tell him he sucks. Lots of kids want to be on a team but aren't good enough. Get over it, kid
the team can dismiss him for whatever they want and it sounds like he showed himself to be an entitled brat who the coaching staff didn't want around...and his talent didn't warrant keeping him on the team.