Distant Worlds 2

Aug 17, 2020
Reaction score
$ 2,500.00
Just dropped on Steam, about to check it out. I like Stellaris, but the word is this is a bit better with more control of the overall direction of the player empire.
This game is super deep and complex, even the beta testers had everything on auto manage. It’s a fun way to waste a few hours, but there’s a good learning curve, I had to watch a 2 hour long demo from one of the testers. I had figured out a good deal already but needed confirmation I was doing things right.

But I don’t know, a game played mostly on autopilot is odd. I was constantly just clicking the OK button to allow the game to go ahead and do what it just recommended needed to be done. It was basically making all the decisions for me. I have since tried to take control more by disabling a lot it the autopilot and trying to suss out the path to victory myself. Haven’t come close.