Does Romans 6:14 negate the old testament?

Aug 17, 2020
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14 For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.

Obviously, this question comes from Creflo Dollar who said tithing was pretty much BS since its old Testament

but does that mean the 10 commandments aren't to be followed?
Keep in mind that the Bible was never intended to be read in verses but in full chapters or even full books. You can take any form of literature and break out an exert and get a different meaning. People do this with the Bible all of the time.
14 For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.

Obviously, this question comes from Creflo Dollar who said tithing was pretty much BS since its old Testament

but does that mean the 10 commandments aren't to be followed?

Maybe for the people able to ignore all the times it says "keep His Commandments" in the new testament.
There are certain things about the OT that the NT negates...most notably is the punishment for sin. Jesus entirely flipped that script.

And Creflo Dollar is a fraud, always was. That being said, his sermon regarding tithing wasn't too far from the mark. It'd mean a lot more if he hadn't made a career out of bilking people of their money for his own pockets for so many years. But indeed, if someone is tithing 10% out of sheer "obligation", and are bitter about it or reluctant about it, then they shouldn't. Because the NT absolutely explains the attitude from which we are to give, and from a cheerful heart is the first place.
There are certain things about the OT that the NT negates...most notably is the punishment for sin. Jesus entirely flipped that script.

And Creflo Dollar is a fraud, always was. That being said, his sermon regarding tithing wasn't too far from the mark. It'd mean a lot more if he hadn't made a career out of bilking people of their money for his own pockets for so many years. But indeed, if someone is tithing 10% out of sheer "obligation", and are bitter about it or reluctant about it, then they shouldn't. Because the NT absolutely explains the attitude from which we are to give, and from a cheerful heart is the first place.

I agree 100%
There are certain things about the OT that the NT negates...most notably is the punishment for sin. Jesus entirely flipped that script.

And Creflo Dollar is a fraud, always was. That being said, his sermon regarding tithing wasn't too far from the mark. It'd mean a lot more if he hadn't made a career out of bilking people of their money for his own pockets for so many years. But indeed, if someone is tithing 10% out of sheer "obligation", and are bitter about it or reluctant about it, then they shouldn't. Because the NT absolutely explains the attitude from which we are to give, and from a cheerful heart is the first place.
The Apostle Paul taught that how we give is as important as what we give. He said,

Let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver

(2 Corinthians 9:7).
The Apostle Paul taught that how we give is as important as what we give. He said,

Let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver

(2 Corinthians 9:7).
Give it to me and you will feel even better.
Give it to me and you will feel even better.
i got somethin' i can give you. hold out your hand and close your eyes

We have all been "programmed" since birth to think and act according to the words of the King James Bible of 1611, whether we know it or not. It is engrained in the very fabric of our language and thoughts....the words, the meanings, the morality and culture....spread by force if necessary!

"In a secular age where ignorance of religion goes from strength to strength (Psalms 84:7) among lovers of filthy lucre (1 Timothy 3:8) who only want to eat, drink and be merry (Luke 12:19), we know for a certainty (Joshua 23:13) that these resonant words endure as a fly in the ointment (Ecclesiastes 10:1) and a thorn in the flesh
(2 Corinthians 12:7) of the powers that be (Romans 13:1). They can still set the teeth on edge (Jeremiah 31:29) of those who try to worship God and Mammon (Matthew 6:24). But does this ancient book, proof that there is no new thing under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9), now cast its pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6), and act as a voice crying in the wilderness (Luke 3:4) -- a drop in a bucket (Isaiah 40:15) of unbelief, no longer a sign of the times (Matthew 16:3) but a verbal stumbling-block (Leviticus 19:14)?"

~ The Independent, journalist Boyd Tonkin