Jets Drop New Unis

About time the Jets went back to that badass word script on the helmets. It's an excellent uniform, they should've never abandoned it
Yeah but it's not as bad as thr Jets shiny helmet with that tone of green.

Jets would be much better suited going with a matte helmet for that green.

That shade of green is a million times better than that shitty ass ninja turtle shade of green the eagles have been using for the last 25+ years
That shade of green is a million times better than that shitty ass ninja turtle shade of green the eagles have been using for the last 25+ years

Not at all. The green on the Jets helmet and total uniform is so god damn ugly. Fits the franchise perfectly.
That shade of green is a million times better than that shitty ass ninja turtle shade of green the eagles have been using for the last 25+ years

Nah, fam. Kelly green’s really kinda lame and boring. Teal green >>> kelly green.
Nah, fam. Kelly green’s really kinda lame and boring. Teal green >>> kelly green.
shut up with that "fam" shit, what are you, 13?? teal green is for peckerwoods who still watch ninja turtles in their ninja turtle pajamas while momma makes them a grilled cheese sammy for lunch. is that you? is that you, peckerwood?