Last movie you watched and rating (1-10)

31........8 of 10

Another insanely fucked up Rob Zombie horror flick.
If you have never seen any of his movies and like horror,you're in for a treat......
They’ve made this movie before and the fight scenes aren’t well choreographed. The tonal shifts are a bit jumpy.
But the good is that cena and company are all on point. There’s some good heart and better laughs. It works.
The Spaceman

Adam Sandler in a serious role. Decent story line.

Watched it finally. Not sure how I feel about it, didn't wow me, but didn't suck either. Overall kind of boring and not sure I'd recommend it it. Definitely wouldn't watch again.

I loved the original. But I am not a “musical” guy. Since none of these songs are already in my DNA like Wilder’s songs are, this felt like much more of a musical than Wilder’s felt. I feel my rating is unfair because of my bias against the genre.

Dream Scenario

A low-budget A24 flick staring Nic Cage. Odd premise (A24, afterall) where a guy begins showing up in multiple people’s dreams. The character development reminded me a lot of Uncut Gems (another A24 movie) in that you basically end up hating every character in the movie (Cage’s character may be the exception). Basically an allegory for racism, I think.

Watched two Korean zombie flicks.

Train To Busan: I had seen it before when it first came out, but wanted to see it again. I highly recommend, one of the better zombie flicks.

#Alive: Also a pretty good flick, worth the watch

Both on Netflix.
Five Nights at Freddy’s.

Not bad, not great. I was entertained.

Aftermath (2017)

Kind of a dumb movie. Idk what the point of it even was? Forgiveness, I guess? Shit was lame af.

Extraction II. More of the same.

Retirement Plan, a whacky Nicholas Cage effort. I liked it.
Dune Part II. 9/10. Compared to Dune Part 1, which was a 2/10 for me, the movie finally re-deemed itself. Part 2 made up for the 2.5 wasted hours I spend on part 1.
Dune Part II. 9/10. Compared to Dune Part 1, which was a 2/10 for me, the movie finally re-deemed itself. Part 2 made up for the 2.5 wasted hours I spend on part 1.

I found a 4K HDR version free. Aside from being a little bit too long I enjoyed it.
Cat Ballou

Jane Fonda, and Lee Marvin

Lee Marvin is great in a dual role. And I love the travelling minstrels, Nat King Cole, and Stubby Kaye.


Cher and Nicky Cage

This is one of my favourite movies of all time. I get misty eyed when I watch it. I love the old man and his dogs. The whole family thing that was going on.

I think it was in the Dickie Betts death thread that we were discussing Cher. She has never ever looked better than she does in Moonstruck.
I rewatched "The Lives of Others" the other day, god I had kinda forgotten just how good it is. It should have been nominated in the big category, it was never going to beat "The Departed" but I think that it should have. And one of the best closing lines ever. Is there a thread for that? 10, of course.

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Five Nights at Freddy’s.

Not bad, not great. I was entertained.


I seen it.....a different type of horror flick that never got me really interested in it.....just had to watch it just to see how it ended....

Your rating is spot on......