TV Series True Detective

I don't know, season 2 is really bad. I remember giving up on it after a couple episodes when it was new, tried to give it another chance with season 4 pulling me in, to fill the void waiting for next episodes, and it's really bad.

At one point I had a what the fuck is happening moment, so got online to look at the plot breakdowns and figure out what I missed, turns out I missed nothing, it's just full of plotholes and shitty storytelling.

Just going to skip to season 3, which I never gave a chance but is apparently better.

Season 3 was very good. Storywise and everything I think itbwas better than season 1. Season 1 overall is better though just due to the performances and chemistry between Woody and McConaughey.

But yeah season 2 was horrendous.
Season 3 was very good. Storywise and everything I think itbwas better than season 1. Season 1 overall is better though just due to the performances and chemistry between Woody and McConaughey.

But yeah season 2 was horrendous.
I’m still trying to power through it. It’s annoying because it could have been good. Solid cast, vibe, but the story is just so fucked, for no reason. They could have easily made it not suck.
I’m still trying to power through it. It’s annoying because it could have been good. Solid cast, vibe, but the story is just so fucked, for no reason. They could have easily made it not suck.
Okay, finished binging last night, I stand by this previous comment. It could have been good, becomes more watchable after the first few episodes. They just tried to get way too layered with it which just made it confusing and full of plot holes.

The main storyline with the land development and corruption and sex parties was fine and would have been plenty to allow for all the twists and turns, but the stuff about the robber cops and victims of the robber cops was just way too much and ultimately pointless.

“Remember these characters we briefly introduced in the first episode in the most clunky way and you completely forgot about because they have nothing to do with the story? Got ya! They matter…”
Interesting connections being made.
Seems solid so far. Looking like there is going to be something that at least kind of connects to season 1.
Lone Star beer sighting in first few seconds.
I'm worried it might suck... Trying to connect to season 1... there's a fine line between making that work and just being lazy and doing it for the sake of doing it. Also, anyone notice the AI generated band posters? What the fuck?

An episode and a half in so far and it sucks!
Pretty meh. Nothing totally wrong with it from a writing/acting stand point. Just boring.

Ive been terrified it will end supernatural. S5 alleviated those concerns. Best eps so far. But still went a little off the rails for shock value. Not sure how they can wrap it all up in 1 more episode.
Damn, that ending was dumb as fuck.

Wasn't awful up to that point I guess, but wasn't good either.
Must have been some really good cleaning ladies to get in and out of that station like that with absolutely no evidence. Top tier stuff.
Damn, that ending was dumb as fuck.

Wasn't awful up to that point I guess, but wasn't good either.
I turned off the season finale halfway through the episode.
Man, Jodie Foster was awful. That was terrible.
I definitely zoned out on the middle portion in the snowstorm. Shit was dumb.
They had the guy taped to the chair in the cave and I realized I just didn't give a fuck and put on Arial America, Vermont.
Just keep your eyes closed when youre about to freeze to death and find yourself in a desert