Will there be any election night bets?

Sep 5, 2020
Reaction score
$ 2,554.00
President? Sentate Races? Electoral Count? Etc.?
President? Sentate Races? Electoral Count? Etc.?
Yes, there will be some election bets. Not sure what yet.
You know we have a request thread for this type of question.
I'm betting a million billion trillion gazillion dollars that no matter who wins on election night, there will be crybaby temper tantrum fits thrown.
Yes, there will be some election bets. Not sure what yet.
You know we have a request thread for this type of question.
Didn't have a specific bet request. Was just curious if there'd be some election action is all.
I'm betting a million billion trillion gazillion dollars that no matter who wins on election night, there will be crybaby temper tantrum fits thrown.
well once you calculate the odds. After betting all that money you would win one dollar!