I ain't trying to be Debbie Downer here, but don't get your hopes up people. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
And sad or not, in this day and age you have to be very very careful about releasing medical info about people
Don't care about sounding cliche

Thoughts and prayers to him and his family right now
That would suck but I am afraid you’re right in this.
I think that much CPR and unresponsive is the reason this was called, hoping maybe. Most other horrific injuries we get a thumbs up or something.
This asshole

He’s not saying what y’all are attributing to him.
But he shouldn’t even be speculating on the make-up game.
He’s a dunce and a world class asshat, but he’s not being that much of an asshole in this instance.
He’s not saying what y’all are attributing to him.
But he shouldn’t even be speculating on the make-up game.
He’s a dunce and a world class asshat, but he’s not being that much of an asshole in this instance.
I overreacted when I first saw that tweet. After reading it a second time I get what he is trying to say
FYI ... Mike Leach was out for 10 minutes before CPR was applied. He was brain dead at that point. It all depends on how quickly they got CFP going.
It is called Commotio Cordis.

Commotio cordis occurs when a person is hit in the chest and that impact triggers a dramatic change in the rhythm of their heart. The blow could come from an object, such as a baseball or hockey puck, and may not seem especially serious in the moment. However, commotio cordis is often fatal.