Is Washington going to change it name from the Commanders??

Aug 17, 2020
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$ 1,075.00
Sitting in Houston Traffic....
God, Snyder was a horrible owner. Takes forever to pick a new name, picked a shitty one and didn’t even have his team do their due diligence to determine whether they could claim rights to the name. What a shitshow.
Best option is to just change it back.

It’d be worth it just to see the endless masses of overgrown children screaming bloody f’n murder over the name of a sports team.

If we’re lucky, they might throw themselves off a roof or go into a fit of rage and burn down DC.

Either way, everyone else wins.

Or they could just go with Washington Warhawks. Just cuz.
Keeping on the "Skins" theme, the Snakeskins would be cool. You could do a lot with the logo and the nickname stands.
They could call themselves the ”Dickskins” and have their mascot be a mohel.
An honorable logo. I would talk to local First Nations and see who would like the Washington Football Team Name. The Washington Algonquian.
Washington Red Tape is a perfect name for them.
The “Washington Snyders” — immortalize Danny’s contribution to professional sports and horrible franchises everywhere by naming the team after him. Likeness too; make him the new logo:
would be a huge blow after they came up with the new chant too
