Movie Napoleon (2023)

Aug 18, 2020
Reaction score
$ 256,604.00
Napoleon, directed by Ridley Scott and starring Joaquin Phoenix as Napoleon and Vanessa Kirby as Josephine, will be released on Wednesday, November 22, 2023. Trailer:


Josephine poster:

I haven't yet seen Ridley's Napoleon but I just viewed DeLaurentis' 1970 Napoleon DVD starring Rod Steiger as Napoleon and Christopher Plummer as Wellington. Great acting. This movie focuses primarily on Napoleon's banishment and escape from Elba, his return to France as Emporor, and the ensuing battle at Waterloo where he confronts several armies. The scenes of the Waterloo battle are very detailed and last an hour. The credits state thousands of Soviet troops and many from Britain were used in the scenes. Wish they'd released it on Blu-ray.

It's been reported that many scenes and lines in Scott's film were ripped straight from Kubrick's script that he never got around to making. I assume Spielberg's Napoleon 7-part TV miniseries based on Kubrick's screenplay is still in the works.
I haven't yet seen Ridley's Napoleon but I just viewed DeLaurentis' 1970 Napoleon DVD starring Rod Steiger as Napoleon and Christopher Plummer as Wellington. Great acting. This movie focuses primarily on Napoleon's banishment and escape from Elba, his return to France as Emporor, and the ensuing battle at Waterloo where he confronts several armies. The scenes of the Waterloo battle are very detailed and last an hour. The credits state thousands of Soviet troops and many from Britain were used in the scenes. Wish they'd released it on Blu-ray.

It's been reported that many scenes and lines in Scott's film were ripped straight from Kubrick's script that he never got around to making. I assume Spielberg's Napoleon 7-part TV miniseries based on Kubrick's screenplay is still in the works.
This streaming anywhere?
This streaming anywhere?

For like a $20 purchase. Beyond that I think we can expect it on Apple TV to watch as part of the subscription around mid-February given how Killers of the Flower Moon just came out on Apple TV after a mid-October movie release. Napoleon was a mid-November movie release so I think it hits for streaming next month.
For like a $20 purchase. Beyond that I think we can expect it on Apple TV to watch as part of the subscription around mid-February given how Killers of the Flower Moon just came out on Apple TV after a mid-October movie release. Napoleon was a mid-November movie release so I think it hits for streaming next month.
I was talking about the 1970 one.
Couldn't find it on Apple TV. It is free on YouTube though.

Several thumbs down. Don't bother unless you're looking for a long movie that does its absolute best to completely ignore everything Napoleon is famous for militarily and instead focus in on his personal relationship with his wife.
Several thumbs down. Don't bother unless you're looking for a long movie that does its absolute best to completely ignore everything Napoleon is famous for militarily and instead focus in on his personal relationship with his wife.
I saw a couple of clips, and I'm not interested. I don't mind a bit of poetic license in movies and I don't expect everything to be completely true to history, but the scene where he's leading a cavalry charge at Borodino despite the historic fact that a criticism of his performance at that battle was that he wouldn't send in his best troops just killed it for me. I don't care so much about things like Austerlitz way overemphasizing the ice on the lake, or the scope shooter at Waterloo (or him fighting in the first place). I understand that they're not shooting a documentary. But they should at least give us something resembling what might have happened.
I saw a couple of clips, and I'm not interested. I don't mind a bit of poetic license in movies and I don't expect everything to be completely true to history, but the scene where he's leading a cavalry charge at Borodino despite the historic fact that a criticism of his performance at that battle was that he wouldn't send in his best troops just killed it for me. I don't care so much about things like Austerlitz way overemphasizing the ice on the lake, or the scope shooter at Waterloo (or him fighting in the first place). I understand that they're not shooting a documentary. But they should at least give us something resembling what might have happened.

Here's about all anyone who hasn't seen the movie needs to know:


It sucks. If you were looking for something like Gladiator with some grand battle scenes, you aren't gonna find it here.
Several thumbs down. Don't bother unless you're looking for a long movie that does its absolute best to completely ignore everything Napoleon is famous for militarily and instead focus in on his personal relationship with his wife.

This is why the 1970 movie is a good watch because it focuses only on his banishment and comeback from Elba, and the buildup to Waterloo and the battle against Wellesley. The new movie fills in pieces of Napoleon's life, I suppose, but have yet to see it.
Napoleon is famous for militarily and instead focus in on his personal relationship with his wife.
So, they wanted women to see it, and failed the men.
Hmmm a 2.3 rating.
Seems it didn't appeal to many

What's new in Hollywood.
So, they wanted women to see it, and failed the men.
Hmmm a 2.3 rating.
Seems it didn't appeal to many

What's new in Hollywood.

There is exactly 1 interesting military scene where its really cool seeing the infantry form a block shape to stop a Calvary charge.

I think they literally just mentioned the Italian campaign in passing. Like Napoleon narrating a letter to Josephine "oh hey, i just conquered Italy, wish you were here xoxo." Then flash forward and hey, he's the emperor now, neat.
This film seems like a walk-through of the script instead of the actual filming. Phoenix seems like he has just learned his lines a few minutes before and hasn’t given any actual thought how he’s going to tackle this role. He’s not really trying.
The blocking, editing, and cgi are amateurish.
Consequently, the parts where there should be real emotional payoff fall way flat.
It’s a bunch of hitting plot points until you get to Waterloo, and that isn’t really done top notch.
It really feels like that turd, Alexander, a movie that the director AND production seem to have given up on.
The music is cool, I guess, and the “look.”
My bad. It’s on Apple TV