Friday, 4/20 Eve

Aug 17, 2020
Reaction score
$ 33,889.00
Pocket Sand!
Morning, mopes. Smoke 'em if you got 'em, hippies.

Hopefully yesterday was the last chilly night of baseball practice. I don't like doing a lot of hitting work when it's cold, kids are too worried about making sure their hands don't hurt that they don't swing well.
Today is ‘Bicycle Day’.

Look it up.
Albert Hofmann Bike GIF by SuperTrip64
good morning

my friend's marijuana store is doing some great business this week.

Tiki Bar opens today
I lost track of the NBA season as of late...didn't realize the Sixers game with the Heat the other night was a play in game for the playoffs.
Have to get some stuff done for work. Going to have to mow this weekend and starts a long stretch of having the stepkids about every weekend. Have birthday party for 2 nephews on Saturday. Sunday have my brother & sister in law's wedding shower. Her family is doing that instead of a true reception. My parents are actually going to do a reception for them at some point whether they & her family like it or not.
I lost track of the NBA season as of late...didn't realize the Sixers game with the Heat the other night was a play in game for the playoffs.

Maybe you have a carbon monoxide leak.
I lost track of the NBA season as of late...didn't realize the Sixers game with the Heat the other night was a play in game for the playoffs.
play in is so fucking dumb.