Earth heats up do to less emissions?

I think you mean "Earth heats up dew to less emissions," dipshit.
no no no


"Earth heats up doo to less emissions"

this is about farts and shit
It's not a recent trend, either.

Take nutrition. When I was a kid, butter was evil, so we were supposed to eat margarine. Then suddenly unsaturated fats were discovered to be bad for you again. Then, all fats were assailed as harmful to health - especially the insidious trans fats (ooo!). Then someone found out that babies and children needed a good amount of fat for brain development. Sugar and carbohydrates are under attack at present, and ketogenic diets, once the province of pre-1950s era diabetics. Soon after, it'll be revealed all the horrible damage we're doing to our bodies with keto-Atkins hysteria. To all of these, there's a grain of truth, or something interesting to be learned. But that is never how it is presented in the news. Instead, it's "New scientific breakthrough today, as researchers at College University released preliminary findings that snorting LSD can help people kick smoking and obsessive-compulsive behaviors blah blah blah".
i tell ya, mister, that College University always seems to be on the cutting edge of just about everything these days!
i tell ya, mister, that College University always seems to be on the cutting edge of just about everything these days!
I got my degree from there in "Studies".
LOL. Since when has the media cared about checking into the science? Virtually everything reported on scientific discoveries nowadays by major outlets is done with the same level of scrutiny as Buzzfeed clickbait.
Exactly. It used to be that media could be trusted to just give the facts for the most part. Those were easy days. Now you have to read every damn thing critically.
Exactly. It used to be that media could be trusted to just give the facts for the most part. Those were easy days. Now you have to read every damn thing critically.
Oh but it's worse. Cancel culture has invaded the news media too. Opposing opinions about mask use or climate change can't even be printed without assertions that such proponents are lying, manipulative conspiracy nuts. Anyone who knows anything about science or the scientific method knows that "settled science" is virtually always a bullshit label meant to stifle debate.

Didn't the media get caught years ago, promoting a fictitious and false 97% statistic on the agreement of anthropogenic climate change? They had used some weird meta-analysis / keyword search and then the result was used to club anyone over the head who dared suggest that methodology might be flawed or that climate change nuts had perhaps gone too far.
I got my degree from there in "Studies".

you did good, son. with a background in studies, the world is your oyster.
Oh but it's worse. Cancel culture has invaded the news media too. Opposing opinions about mask use or climate change can't even be printed without assertions that such proponents are lying, manipulative conspiracy nuts. Anyone who knows anything about science or the scientific method knows that "settled science" is virtually always a bullshit label meant to stifle debate.

Didn't the media get caught years ago, promoting a fictitious and false 97% statistic on the agreement of anthropogenic climate change? They had used some weird meta-analysis / keyword search and then the result was used to club anyone over the head who dared suggest that methodology might be flawed or that climate change nuts had perhaps gone too far.
Correct. It’s the media, more than anything, that’s soured me on cancel culture. They’ve helped push it or a toxic thing. I feel like they are starting to do the same for identity politics.
Correct. It’s the media, more than anything, that’s soured me on cancel culture. They’ve helped push it or a toxic thing. I feel like they are starting to do the same for identity politics.
"Starting to"? AP had to have several meetings to discuss whether they had to backtrack on calling Ph.Ds "doctors" or how to capitalize black vs. white people in North America.

And AP is supposed to be one of the more objective, apolitical outlets. Society isn't changing this fast, but media definitely wants to be an agent of change.
"Starting to"? AP had to have several meetings to discuss whether they had to backtrack on calling Ph.Ds "doctors" or how to capitalize black vs. white people in North America.

And AP is supposed to be one of the more objective, apolitical outlets. Society isn't changing this fast, but media definitely wants to be an agent of change.
Maybe my knee jerk on identity politics isn’t as sensitive as yours. It’s only started to get on my nerves about the last 6-9 months.

It could also be because I consciously work to consume as little media as possible. Just enough to try to glean some facts of what’s going on.
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Maybe my knee jerk on identity politics isn’t as sensitive as yours. It’s only started to get on my nerves about the last 6-9 months.

It could also be because I consciously work to consume as little media as possible. Just enough to try to glean some facts of what’s going on.
Meh. I don't let it bother me. I view most sides as having extremist elements. No one's pushing their way into my house, demanding that I use certain pronouns or buy dolphin-free tuna.

It's a continual process I use to filter and get as wide a swath of media as possible. I used to go to CNN for a quick take on what I thought was a left-leaning report. After the last 4 years, it's unwatchable, and if I want cable news, I go to a mixture of PBS, MSNBC and OANN. Slate and Breitbart were useful at one time also, but now also are too biased and have become biased, so I rely on BBC, NPR, NBC and National Interest.
Meh. I don't let it bother me. I view most sides as having extremist elements. No one's pushing their way into my house, demanding that I use certain pronouns or buy dolphin-free tuna.

It's a continual process I use to filter and get as wide a swath of media as possible. I used to go to CNN for a quick take on what I thought was a left-leaning report. After the last 4 years, it's unwatchable, and if I want cable news, I go to a mixture of PBS, MSNBC and OANN. Slate and Breitbart were useful at one time also, but now also are too biased and have become biased, so I rely on BBC, NPR, NBC and National Interest.
Good mix. I’ve found my mix in AP, Fox, CBS. It’s ever evolving to make sure I’m able to glean the facts and even takes from each narrative side as quickly as possible. I find this leaves me updated and feeling the least bit nauseated.

Also have found a sight that emails a few times a week with hot topics and the opinions on the topic from each side. It’s very helpful.
Not really. I think the study could have done a little better at highlighting the difference between aerosol particle and carbon dioxide. The lame swipe at the end of “it might warm up a little, but less will die from air pollution” just creates fodder for climate deniers.

While it was probably not within the scope of the study they were doing I’m sure there has to be correlation between less aerosol particles and less carbon dioxide.

Carbon dioxide is one that’s only going to be the invisible threat that’s not felt until it’s too late.

I don't know. It just seems like these studies can be done to support both arguments pretty easily. It becomes exhausting for a nitwit like me.

Damn It GIF by memecandy
I don't know. It just seems like these studies can be done to support both arguments pretty easily. It becomes exhausting for a nitwit like me.
Exhausting...exactly. I think it just becomes more of a task for us to try to decipher things. I’ve had to become much more of a skilled reader of long, boring studies the last year to better understand things.

Relying on the media to ‘splain it for me just opens me up to narrative exposure.

So, exhausting....but worth it.
jeezuz...some fucking retards will fall for anything.


It's all politics.

It's all politics.
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