Hot shower Friday

Yeah so this chick has her own place, but they told the wife they're going to move in together where he rents from my FIL &MIL. They will have 4 in diapers (his oldest needs to be out of them though). They're going to run off and get married and try to tell them both things at once. He's hoping my SIL's bf formally does the engagement. Everyone knows they're getting engaged/married but they haven't formally announced. They will be pissed if my BIL does it at the same time. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he confirmed he is as dumb as I thought.
So... He knocked up his gf of 1-2 months, and they're getting married now? Smert
Yeah so this chick has her own place, but they told the wife they're going to move in together where he rents from my FIL &MIL. They will have 4 in diapers (his oldest needs to be out of them though). They're going to run off and get married and try to tell them both things at once. He's hoping my SIL's bf formally does the engagement. Everyone knows they're getting engaged/married but they haven't formally announced. They will be pissed if my BIL does it at the same time. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he confirmed he is as dumb as I thought.

I need a diagram to keep track of all of this
I’m gonna need a family tree diagram to keep up with basement
Well you were talking like your house was kind of full.
Yes my house I live in or technically my wife's house is full. We have our 5 kids (3 step & 2 mine) and us in an average sized house. My house is a "rental" if you want to call it that to my cousin (referred to as S2) who also has 5 kids (3 step & 2 his). There house is about the size of ours execept it's a 1 1/4 story.
So... He knocked up his gf of 1-2 months, and they're getting married now? Smert
She told him that he could adopt her son since his father isn't on the birth certificate or in his life at all. Guess the guy she was with wasn't the father or something. He's dumb enough to agree to it.
Yes my house I live in or technically my wife's house is full. We have our 5 kids (3 step & 2 mine) and us in an average sized house. My house is a "rental" if you want to call it that to my cousin (referred to as S2) who also has 5 kids (3 step & 2 his). There house is about the size of ours execept it's a 1 1/4 story.
1/4 story? The dukes room?
She told him that he could adopt her son since his father isn't on the birth certificate or in his life at all. Guess the guy she was with wasn't the father or something. He's dumb enough to agree to it.
Even more child support!

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Well my BIL is going to start the drama all over again in my wife's family. He's supposedly knocked up his girlfriend of a month or two. Granted this one seems better than his previous two, but still not going to go over well. He went from 2 kids to now 4.
@gobucks0409 and @RubinRock need to counsel this guy on the pull-out method.
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Somewhere in this scenario someone is their own grandpa.
You know how nobody knows what an Aunt twice removed actually means?

That's got nothin on this.