GAME #19 Wisconsin @ Washington St 6:30 central ABC

Damn, getting beat by a team that's about to get relegated to the G5 level.

Season 10 Episode 20 GIF by The Simpsons
You sure you want to join that league???
Ohhh, don't rush the--
Good win for WSU....good luck from here on out
You sure you want to join that league???
I can't wait. One of my kids is a PSU grad so the first time the Huskies to to Beaver stadium I'll be going with him. I'll also likely hit the big house and the shoe at least once.

No plans on anything in corn country.
More Oline with a dash of slow developing pass routes.
Georgia Southern next week for Wisconsin - them beating us at home got Scott Frost fired last year. Good luck!
@Kburjr is this one of the 2 losses you had penciled in?
You literally lost to the fat kid sitting at the end of the bench that no one would take on their team.

Doesn't much matter who's favored the rest of the year. Gotta go play the games and win.
Turnovers are a bitch. Wisky outrank, outlasted and outkicked but couldn't overcome a -3 turnover margin.
Good win for Wazzu. Pullman can be a tough trip.