2021 NBA Playoffs

How do the Lakers not have their own LOL thread yet?
Go Bucks

How do the Lakers not have their own LOL thread yet?
LeBitch being out of the playoffs will make network execs cry more than Tiger being down 12 strokes on sunday morning.
LeBitch being out of the playoffs will make network execs cry more than Tiger being down 12 strokes on sunday morning.
I don't know. I feel like a lot of people are starting to get done with Lebron. He's getting old and has a lot more miles on those legs than any other player on the court right now.
I don't watch the NBA.

Trae Young looking ok so far.
Tonight is a huge game in this series. I think the winner will go on to winning the series. If the bucks win I see them winning it in 6 games. But if the Nets somehow pull off a win I see them winning in 7
Ah see the Jazz are learning you can't take the stink that is Mizzou basketball curses out of Snyder and Clarkson
Re: Atlanta vs Philadelphia

The road teams should be dominating a seven-game series like this.

The road team won five times.
Good to see Doc Rivers is still living off that time he won a title 13 years ago.