44 Years Ago this summer, the Greatest Movie ever made was released !!!

Slap Shot is the best movie released in 1977, A Bridge Too Far is a close second, Close Encounters of the Third Kind is 3rd.

Smokey and the Bandit ranks down the list right before or after Saturday Night Fever.

Slap Shot is the best movie released in 1977, A Bridge Too Far is a close second, Close Encounters of the Third Kind is 3rd.

Smokey and the Bandit ranks down the list right before or after Saturday Night Fever.


will ferrel step brothers GIF
My childhood is just wrapped in this movie. Growing up in the south you make friends with southerners. Some of them have HBO when your parents still haven’t sprung for it.

You turn on HBO on a lazy summer afternoon youre bound to find this one or the sequel.

Good times!