Adults Would Be Happier / Healthier If They Went All Lane Staley on Sweets IMO

Aug 21, 2020
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$ 1,000.00
Adults don’t need sugary food in the United States. At all. Have you seen the fatties wakin‘ around lately? It’s a problem.

I say treat sugary treats like they’re lobster, and you’re a Hasidic Jew. Even on special occasions. I think people would be better off.

And that includes those milkshakes people get from Starbucks (not literally). I used to work with this guy who was at least 400 & had a large Starbucks whatever-the-f**k every single morning. He’s dead now (at age 35 or something).

I’m not trying to be a health-food hippy, but the sugar content has exploded in recent decades.

The Sugar Industry had and even better lobbying effort than the Tobacco Companies.
It's worse for you, but you had the Government telling you how great and nutritious Sugar was.

High Fat/Low Fat content has almost nothing to do with it. But the Sugar companies sure made you think it did.
I’ll have you know, my gummy bears are fat free

Sweet Tooth Hello GIF by HARIBO
Would save a lot of plastic in the landfill if single serve candy were outlawed as well. Not sure I want to live in a world without sweets, and certain I don't want to live in one where the gov't rations them.
Adults don’t need sugary food in the United States. At all. Have you seen the fatties wakin‘ around lately? It’s a problem.

I say treat sugary treats like they’re lobster, and you’re a Hasidic Jew. Even on special occasions. I think people would be better off.

And that includes those milkshakes people get from Starbucks (not literally). I used to work with this guy who was at least 400 & had a large Starbucks whatever-the-f**k every single morning. He’s dead now (at age 35 or something).

I’m not trying to be a health-food hippy, but the sugar content has exploded in recent decades.


My mother was a tiny woman and would whoop your ass for this suggestion. Your hitler approach to problem solving is why Republicans are struggling to win elections against racist, thugs and simpletons.

My mother was a tiny woman and would whoop your ass for this suggestion. Your hitler approach to problem solving is why Republicans are struggling to win elections against racist, thugs and simpletons.
:headscratch: Where the crap did that come from? I'm not saying people should be arrested for eating sugary treats. It's just a suggestion.

Decaf, Dawg. Obviously, tiny women don't have a weight problem.