Are you getting a flu shot?

Isn't the entire science behind that you're injecting shit into your body that will "protect" you, but your body also has to "fight it off"?

I don't think me feeling like shit 24 hours after my only flu shot was a coincidence.
Sounds weak
My barber told me last year that his flu shot seriously affected his vision for a couple of days. He called his doctor who said "it happens". Fortunately his vision returned to normal. Jeez.
Dang! That's messed up!
I have been getting the shot at least since tWife was pregnant with our firstborn.

Will continue to get it annually at least until such time as someone in my house is not recommended/required to have it for school. I don't see how I could tell my kids that they need a shot and I don't.
what's the point? we all gonna of COVID anyway, right?
but yeah, I'll be getting one.
Yea the science behind both flu transmission rates and processes seems p fake newsy. But whatever. I don't get the flu shot either and the one time I did in my life, I felt like shit from it. No thanks.
that's because you are weak.
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Isn't the entire science behind that you're injecting shit into your body that will "protect" you, but your body also has to "fight it off"?

I don't think me feeling like shit 24 hours after my only flu shot was a coincidence.
That is correct. The foundation of vaccine science is that you do indeed introduce a pathogen into the body, but one that is far weaker than the virus you're concerned about. In the case of flu vaccines, most of them are heat-killed virus, and are basically particles that your immune system recognizes and then primes itself for the threat of natural infection of the same strain(s).

The biggest uphill battle fought for convincing people we need vaccines is overcoming the appearance of sticking a needle into someone who is completely healthy. It's part of the reason, any and all side effects are imagined to cause autism or that people are willing to roll the dice and risk themselves (and others) catching things like measles. I have no doubt that you felt like crap as the result of a shot- that's a fairly common minor reaction. But it's not life-threatening, and is weighed against protecting the population from a flu outbreak.

What I'd like to see going forward is a more measured approach, where the virulence and infectivity of the virus is reasonably calculated before public health authorities push it out on the masses. What COVID-19 has taught us, besides that medical infrastructure is not well-prepared for a true pandemic, is that our response needs to be intelligent and focused upon the people who are most at risk. Most flu strains are studied months and years before hitting large regional populations, so it's known with a decent amount of certainly how nasty they're going to be. In nearly every year that mass flu shots have been available and recommended, the strains the vaccine is supposed to protect against either (A) do not cause severe effects across a wide unvaccinated population or (B) end up not being the strains that cause the most damage.
Yes, my wife and I get one every year, as we're around students and our own young school age children (they get a shot as well). While I rarely contract something more than a sinus infection once or twice a year, my wife does have an autoimmune disease where she is prone to getting pneumonia.

I am typically the caretaker of the family when they get sick one after the other, like dominoes, regardless of the "bug" (flu, stomach issues, etc), as I appear to have a strong immune system with minimum symptoms. I still get the flu shot to provide whatever help I can for my family, whether it helps me from "going down" in my caretaker role if I get sick, or help prevent me from becoming infected from my own students and transmitting it to my family.

The flu is unpredictable because of how quickly it can mutate. This is why you may still be infected after getting the flu shot, but your immune system response will still activate to lessen the symptoms in most cases.
I was peak at the time, tbh.

Could eat all the gluten in the world then.

Maybe that flu shot caused all of this.
If you have an overactive and strong immune system, like me, taking that shit makes it angry and stuff goes wrong.

I'm not going near a flu or other vax until I'm old enough that my immune system doesn't go on rampages.
I'll get my yearly dose of government mind control drugs...
Was reading CDC guidelines regarding flu vaccine and they recommended October since August or July might mean immunity wears off sooner in the season.

I get free vaccinations at my new job so might as well. Will getone in early October.
Yeah, I will be