buongiorno Monday

are they just resurfacing them?
nope, brand new, tore old ones out, court, fence, everything, started from scratch
nope, brand new, tore old ones out, court, fence, everything, started from scratch
hopefully they don't ruin them with pickleball lines
Stupid dog, brought him in for cleaning, they found an infected tooth, so it's getting extracted and doubling the bill
I was at that game. Good times.

Herby was claiming that Maryland is the 4th best team in the B1G during the broadcast. Not sure about that one.
I'd prefer a donation to the gofundme

or you can direct venmo me
Wkwkwkw No GIF by MOODMAN
Sitting at a Nowitskis at DFW marveling at how much this shiner bock sucks.