Can’t remember the exact remedy, help a brother out.

Aug 17, 2020
Reaction score
$ 10,650.00
I’d bend over backwards to help any of y’all.

I’ve got a brutal sinus infection. Probably because the weather went from 15 to 70 in less than a week.

I’ve got the 100 proof peppermint schnapps, but what the fuck are you supposed to mix with it and at what ratio to cut through the snot?
Since you're already gay enough to have peppermint schnapps, you might as well go full homo and use that peppermint tea you normally save for your fancy guests.

I’d bend over backwards to help any of y’all.

I’ve got a brutal sinus infection. Probably because the weather went from 15 to 70 in less than a week.

I’ve got the 100 proof peppermint schnapps, but what the fuck are you supposed to mix with it and at what ratio to cut through the snot?

Sounds like a typical Wisconsin week in October... Only it doesn't take a week.

You wanna clear your sinuses, booze is child's play compared to pure horseradish.
Peppermint schnapps?! This is news to me. Quit being a sissy pants and go get some serrano peppers to chomp on. If you’re man enough to handle that, step up to habanero and watch the river of snot flow.
Peppermint schnapps?! This is news to me. Quit being a sissy pants and go get some serrano peppers to chomp on. If you’re man enough to handle that, step up to habanero and watch the river of snot flow.
but wash your hands before you go pee
Peppermint schnapps?! This is news to me. Quit being a sissy pants and go get some serrano peppers to chomp on. If you’re man enough to handle that, step up to habanero and watch the river of snot flow.
I don’t like peppers. Will insanely spicy hot wings work?