Chinese people are fucking nasty.

So are Cajuns, what's your point?
So are Cajuns, what's your point?
all that nicksplat GIF
Someone mentioned robins.... They are probably one of the best eating birds there is. We ate robins, cardinals, blackbirds, thrushes, woodpeckers..... But we would not eat mockingbirds or blue jays.
Don't ask why. I think someone had tried them and deemed them unworthy.

Also I can remember cedar waxwings would cover some trees and a shotgun blast would yield a jambalaya. They were very good but small.

Then you get to the gros becs and bec croche (herons and ibises). Most of this is illegal so don't tell anyone. hahaha
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Someone mentioned robins.... They are probably one of the best eating birds there is. We ate robins, cardinals, blackbirds, thrushes, woodpeckers..... But we would not eat mockingbirds or blue jays.
Don't ask why. I think someone had tried them and deemed them unworthy.

Also I can remember cedar waxwings would cover some trees and a shotgun blast would yield a jambalaya. They were very good but small.

Then you get to the gros becs and bec croche (herons and ibises). Most of this is illegal so don't tell anyone. hahaha
It's a sin to kill a mockingbird. E'ryone knows that! Atticus said so!
Someone mentioned robins.... They are probably one of the best eating birds there is. We ate robins, cardinals, blackbirds, thrushes, woodpeckers..... But we would not eat mockingbirds or blue jays.
Don't ask why. I think someone had tried them and deemed them unworthy.

Also I can remember cedar waxwings would cover some trees and a shotgun blast would yield a jambalaya. They were very good but small.

Then you get to the gros becs and bec croche (herons and ibises). Most of this is illegal so don't tell anyone. hahaha
Oprah Winfrey Wow GIF
I mean...I'll eat the fuck outta any bird, given it's cooked, AND IT'S THE MOTHERFUCKING APOCALYPSE!?!

Goddamn, some of you were poor af!?
Goddamn, some of you were poor af!?

You get caught with some of them birds and it will be the most expensive meal you never had! Hahaha

I garuntee! aieeeeeeeeee!
