Ever drag a house up a hill?

Aug 17, 2020
Reaction score
$ 67,441.00
Was in Utah on the end of vacation and a neighbor had a 50x16 prefab cabin dropped off. He had quadruple bypass 7 weeks prior to the drop and asked for some help. It was dropped about 400 yards from its destination. Which was up a loose gravel road, and around a corner, up to some railroad ties as a foundation.
Dang, that seems like a hell of a lot of work and manpower to get that prefab installed. Seems like it would've been easier and cheaper to build on location.
I don't know. It was all 2x6 framing, said it was 26k. Only framed inside, and still needs to be built out inside. It's always tough to build up there, as a trip to the hardware store costs you half a day at least.

Pretty solid structure, but if it weren't for the mini excavator, it would have never worked.