Feels like a Monday

@Guy Incognito , do you know if there are capacity limits on the Shore Points? We're heading down this weekend, wanna know if we have to get to the beach at 7AM
I know there are social distance requirements, and they have closed the beaches at points in the summer.

I think that was earlier in the summer, before they allowed larger outdoor gatherings, though.

Last thing I saw about beaches maybe closing was in July. Pretty sure that they will try and take money from as many Bennies as possible this coming weekend, though.
I know there are social distance requirements, and they have closed the beaches at points in the summer.

I think that was earlier in the summer, before they allowed larger outdoor gatherings, though.

Last thing I saw about beaches maybe closing was in July. Pretty sure that they will try and take money from as many Bennies as possible this coming weekend, though.
Well I'm hardly a Bennie!

Because I'll be driving down this time

Thanks for the info... I'm expecting bigger crowds because of the holiday. The place we're staying said we could come dump our stuff in the house and hit the beach early, then come back later and check in, so that made me think there might be some limits. Also hoping my favorite restaurant has outdoor seating.
I always cut it a little too close for flights...oh well.

Won't have to hunt for overhead bin space
Quickest security ever
They have some really good NEIPAS if you're into that.

I'm a fan, I'll check it out. Night one will be limited in drinking as we want to get up early to get on road and I don't want to drive hungover

Also want to save annoying Mrs Pnk with drinking for later in the trip.
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Took Murray for walk on lunch break.

Walking along a path and Murray just stops

"You can't just stop"

There was a lady walk about 20 yards ahead of me and coincidentally her dog stopped to pee

*lady turns around and glares at me*

"Umm, I was talking to my dog"
Ah didn't know if he was cutting across northern portions of Indiana & Ohio and then heading south. Yeah you'll be much further south.
Guess the kids can stop working on that welcome banner now.
I'm a fan, I'll check it out. Night one will be limited in drinking as we want to get up early to get on road and I don't want to drive hungover

Also want to save annoying Mrs Pnk with drinking for later in the trip.
I'd probably just grab some to go, and drink on the beach
Ah didn't know if he was cutting across northern portions of Indiana & Ohio and then heading south. Yeah you'll be much further south.

If you want to get away from bakers dozen kids swing by, we'll find an appleebees
Took Murray for walk on lunch break.

Walking along a path and Murray just stops

"You can't just stop"

There was a lady walk about 20 yards ahead of me and coincidentally her dog stopped to pee

*lady turns around and glares at me*

"Umm, I was talking to my dog"
What did your dog say when you told him that?

Makes you confident in their sanitation
If you want to get away from bakers dozen kids swing by, we'll find an appleebees
I actually think I'll be in Indy a week from tonight or week from tomorrow for sure. Lil W has to go to the children's hospital to get a scope done so we know what kind of diet she will have to be on. She's got a couple of food allergies and believed to have reflux. Going to check on the reflux to see what issues she might have.