Give us your favorite immature dirty name

Lamar Scrotum
Phil McCracken
Buster Heiny
Kinda surprised there are not more posts from @moxie who has the mentality of a 12 year old boy
Kinda surprised there are not more posts from @moxie who has the mentality of a 12 year old boy
Goddammit. You just made me say, “shut up bitch” out loud as I was walking past the sea of what I thought was empty cubicles. It was not an empty sea of cubicles.

Phil Theesnach.
You guys in here talking about Mike Hockenbals?
You guys in here talking about Mike Hockenbals?

Actually I am wondering because he invited me to a party later and I was looking for directions. Where exactly is "The Deacon"? :wink:
A classic :laugh:
