Good bye Netflix DVD's

I used to do the Blockbuster DVD thing when Netflix was big...I liked being able to exchange my DVD at the store a couple times a month.

amazing that Netflix has come this far
yeah this.

how do I sign up and get a few DVD's that I will never return
Who dafuq still uses DVDs?
Oh man, Now I feel bad. I hope it wasn't this Face Off DVD that I still haven't gotten around to returning that did them in.
so you understand why they are not doing this anymore? Good
I'm surprised they were still doing it, figured they had stopped years ago.
I'm surprised they were still doing it, figured they had stopped years ago.

but really...they likely have that market cornered and it wasn't costing them too much to maintain for the 5 customers still doing it.

now Alice in the DVD room is going to have to find a new gig