Happy Hump day

Aug 18, 2020
Reaction score
$ 1,000.00
Morning All

ended up skipping trivia last night, we got there and it was packed, not a table to be found and lots of groups waiting for a table, so we headed to a nearby pub for dinner and a beer instead. group that got there after us snagged a table before I could get there, oh well. There were few tables looking ready to leave and guessed wrong on one that actually did, oh well

On my way to next bar some jackass cut me off with no blinker, so i honked at him to let him know there was a car in space he just occupied

I changed lanes to pass him and he again, this time intentionally cut me off almost causing an accident, rolled his window down started swearing at me and giving me the bird (because i honked at him after he almost hit me). Still not sure what his deal was
Last day in the office until January, going to the Cavs game tonight
ted hump GIF

Vacation has been nice. Only small hiccup was the fridge froze up. Otherwise, it's been fun. Going snow tubing this afternoon with Ham.

Seems like MiL will be released from the care facility on Christmas Eve. So we'll be spending a lot of Christmas Day at the in-laws.

plumber came this morning and replaced the pump on the utility sink in the basement and replaced the wax ring on the toilet in the half bath, which has been needed to be done for a while. Reasonable price too outside of the $400 pump I needed to pay for. Merry Christmas! Hopefully the half bath doesn't smell like urine anymore.
Almost done christmas shopping, one stop left

Would've been done, but my cheap ass wasn't going to pay 50% more for a bottle of wine compared to a liquor store a little further out

plumber came this morning and replaced the pump on the utility sink in the basement and replaced the wax ring on the toilet in the half bath, which has been needed to be done for a while. Reasonable price too outside of the $400 pump I needed to pay for. Merry Christmas! Hopefully the half bath doesn't smell like urine anymore.
You broke the o-ring on your terlit? Layoff the sausage @ill
got a leg of lamb in the oven roasting low and slow for a bit now, smells so fucking good

wayward pines GIF
christmas shopping done

new gin for my BIL to try
Wine for my sister
Whiskey for my best friend