Hey there Friday

I no longer get overtime, so no.

this is an annual thing with my industry where we shut down a reactor and move the fuel in the reactor around and do maintenance and inspections on the equipment. It usually goes about 3 weeks...so I will work 3 straight weeks, 12 hr days.
but remotely
Carl Weathers was like last week
RIP Chubs.
Pour One Out Malt Liquor GIF
@redseat so I heard tell that chick basketball player from Iowa scored a lot of buckets. How do your local lesbians feel about this?
It's almost amazing how much "damage" The Simpsons has done to the industry...

"Nuke-u-lar". It's pronounced "nuke-u-lar".
It's almost amazing how much "damage" The Simpsons has done to the industry...
I think the China Syndrome movie distorted my view more than anything. Plus I have a good friend who lived about 50 miles from 3 Mile Island and now has three testicles

Toby Keith is rolling in his grave
