<Insert witty tittle> Wednesday

Aug 18, 2020
Reaction score
$ 1,000.00
Morning everyone

Got water feature drained out, probably will turn off outside water this week and blow out line to garden

my only meeting today was cancelled, so yay
White Whale Wednesday
wrist watch wednesday
Today is officially "Chocolate Cupcake Day". So here's a cupcake...
The Brittany drama is off the charts. Definitely explains her insanity.
The Brittany drama is off the charts. Definitely explains her insanity.

Britney Spears What GIF
Well the drama ensues. Bossy & Dodger talked to the school counselor Monday & today respectively. The counselor filed a report to CPS in our Ohio county & they to the county it happened in that I have 0 faith in on Monday. Dodger evidently told the counselor & school resource officer she is not going back to his house again. SRO & counselor said they'd note it & we could keep her as they wouldn't arrest us for not following the current guidelines, but he could still file contempt charges if we did. Told the wife to tell them to go to his parents' house & then refuse to go to his.