It's Friday. Smoke 'em if you got 'em.

Feeling's mutual. We're all worried about catching a case of faggot from you.

Ashton Kutcher Burn GIF
Lil' Kobe is moving rooms, so we sold her loft bed/desk combo on Craigslist. People picked it up today and it took the guy like 30 minutes to back the fucking trailer into the driveway. Then after we loaded it up he wanted to chat about shit. Uh, no thanks buddy....
Lil' Kobe is moving rooms, so we sold her loft bed/desk combo on Craigslist. People picked it up today and it took the guy like 30 minutes to back the fucking trailer into the driveway. Then after we loaded it up he wanted to chat about shit. Uh, no thanks buddy....
So nice
And now I have to go to our rental house to have the rental renewal inspection done. This day sucks.
I mean, I stood there for a few minutes chatting, but after a couple minutes......what's the point? I will legit never see him again.

Apparently with a mask on I look like I want to chat with random old people. A lady in the grocery store stopped me last week to ask if I'd ever made a type of food she was trying to make and then proceeded to tell me about why she was making it and her upcoming social calendar.