It's the America I grew up in

Man, it was great

We used to make awesome cannons with 4 Pringles cans, duct tape, zippo lighter fluid, and a tennis ball. Good times growing up in the 60s/70s.

Try that in today's world and some neighborhood Karen will have the police there with the bomb squad stat.

Not sure how we came up with that one, but most of the crap we did we learned from our dad's. LOL
We stretched wire across trains rack rails to make the arms come down at the intersection and laughed at the people stopped there waiting for trains that never came.

Macaulay Culkin Christmas Movies GIF by filmeditor
We used to fold up the foil gum wrappers into two long thin strips, and then you'd stick one in one eye of the plug socket and care fully stick the other strip into the other eye of the socket and then kick em together at school, to knock the power out, to get out of learning. lulz
We’d ride 20’ behind the school bus on a 2-stroke smoking cigarettes, laughing at the kids On the bus and flupping off the grinning bus driver.

Nobody thought anything of it.
Sparkler bombs. Sparklers (metal wire kind only). Tape a couple hundred together with one from the center sticking up for a "fuse".

Use a ton of electrical black tape and try to seal all but the "fuse" as tightly as possible. Then cover that with a bunch of duct tape.

Light it and run! After it goes off watch all the neighbors come out their houses immediately to see what just "exploded"!

Sparkler bombs. Sparklers (metal wire kind only). Tape a couple hundred together with one from the center sticking up for a "fuse".

Use a ton of electrical black tape and try to seal all but the "fuse" as tightly as possible. Then cover that with a bunch of duct tape.

Light it and run! After it goes off watch all the neighbors come out their houses immediately to see what just "exploded"!

Yep. We'd do that too. It worked best with red sparklers.
We would tie 20 LB test fishing line to two garbage cans with a can on each side of the street. We'd laugh like hell when a car would come by and bang the cans behind him.
We did this one time, but the car saw the wire across the road before he hit it, so he stopped in the middle of the road....pitch dark.
We were in the woods across the street watching, close by, so we could see it all go down.

Guy got out of the car, a neighbor comes out of his house hearing it all....they talk for a minute....they move the cans out of the way.....the car goes on.... the neighbor we couldn't see, but I heard him open the trunk of his car...........

Long story short, I told everyone he was getting a gun...don't know why exactly.....and we ran like hell.............and sure enough he shot several rounds in our direction.

It was the last time we did that.
We used to make awesome cannons with 4 Pringles cans, duct tape, zippo lighter fluid, and a tennis ball. Good times growing up in the 60s/70s.

Try that in today's world and some neighborhood Karen will have the police there with the bomb squad stat.

Not sure how we came up with that one, but most of the crap we did we learned from our dad's. LOL
Y’all had the sissy cannons. We used to make em out pvc pipes.

Have a tank and a straight pipe and a starter button for a grill attached to the screw on/off back part of the tank.

Stick a tater in the straight pipe, spray a bunch of hairspray in the tank, screw on the back, hit the igniter button, and you just turned a tater into a deadly weapon