Kyrie Hopes Racist Boston Will Stop Being... ya know... Racist

Marky Mark has already apologized for all Bostonian hate crimes, past and present. Possibly future as well.
I thought his request was reasonable and well-spoken. He didn't even really want to talk about it.

The racism in Boston is just so over-the-top. It really needs to end.
I thought his request was reasonable and well-spoken. He didn't even really want to talk about it.

The racism in Boston is just so over-the-top. It really needs to end.

he’s a dumbass who needs to follow his own plea and stick to sports.

he’s trying to say that booing him for lying to the fans is “racist”

Good luck with that, bro. The most racist city in America ain't changin' for you!

This is the same monosyllabic dildo that said two short years ago that he loved Boston and had never experienced any racism whatsoever.

Now this pathetic shit stain is using the race card in a sad attempt to paint the Celtics fans that hate his guts for being a phony, lying, disingenuous POS as racist that only dislike him because he's a lil brown fella cuz and he knows he's going to get booed something fierce Friday night.

His comments after game two might be the most cowardly bullshit I've heard from a pro athlete since the last time LeFraud opened his ignorant pie hole. Fuck him.
Would you say that Boston has a reputation for racism?
Yeah, I remember when Reginald Denny got dragged out of his truck and beaten by a bunch of pasty white Irishmen. It was a sordid show :meh:
Yeah, I remember when Reginald Denny got dragged out of his truck and beaten by a bunch of pasty white Irishmen. It was a sordid show :meh:
So its all OK then.
Would you say that Boston has a reputation for racism?

If you do a Google image search for Boston American Flag, this is the first result.

Iconic Photo Of Violent Busing Protests Parallels Today's Conflict Of  Protest Vs. Patriotism : NPR
For some reason we're never supposed to talk about the racism in Boston.

These guys are acting like Kyrie Irving is lying. He just said he wanted it to be about basketball without any racist remarks. :unsure:
He just wanted to bring up racism...

He's a cunt.
Tell that flat-earth fucktard not to fall off the edge, just in case, you know, the edge of the world borders Boston.
This is the same monosyllabic dildo that said two short years ago that he loved Boston and had never experienced any racism whatsoever.

Now this pathetic shit stain is using the race card in a sad attempt to paint the Celtics fans that hate his guts for being a phony, lying, disingenuous POS as racist that only dislike him because he's a lil brown fella cuz and he knows he's going to get booed something fierce Friday night.

His comments after game two might be the most cowardly bullshit I've heard from a pro athlete since the last time LeFraud opened his ignorant pie hole. Fuck him.
Nothing that comes out of this kid's mouth is worth noting, he said he loved Cleveland as well then he forced his way out and said it was the worst city in America. On the way to Boston, he said something like, "Boston is a great city, this is where I belong".

He's an attention-seeking whore, a fly on the wall is less scUM than this fuck face. I would hope for him to get injured in the playoffs but no point I just expect it to happen, he is a brittle bitch.
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Kyrie is a racist but Boston isn't.

Jon Hamm Yes GIF
Kyrie is a racist but Boston isn't.

Jon Hamm Yes GIF
Kyrie is a dewshbag, there is no denying that.

I don't watch basketball so I missed the Celtics fans serenading him last night.

Fuck you Kyrie. Hahahahaha