Movies & TV Forum Rules

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Aug 18, 2020
Reaction score
$ 256,604.00
1. Spoilers: Before the airing of a TV episode or the US wide-release of a film, enclose spoilers in [ spoiler ] (remove the spaces around the square brackets) [ /spoiler ] tags like this:

This is a spoiler.

"Spoilers" does not include promotional material or public information officially released by the movie studio or television network (trailers, interviews, magazine articles, press releases, etc.), but does include unofficial leaks (such as leaked scripts or pirated prints).

Once a TV episode airs or the film is wide-released in the US, spoiler tags are no longer necessary.

2. One Thread Per Movie/Show: Before posting a new thread, do a search for whether there is already a thread for that movie or TV show, and if so, post in that thread instead of starting a new one.

3. No Piracy: Do not post links to streams or downloads of pirated films or TV shows. It's unnecessary potential legal trouble for the HooplaNation website.

4. Politics: Discussing politics is allowed, but only in moderation, and it must be in passing and remain civil. Some movies are impossible to discuss without venturing into the political realm. And some movies should at least have political aspects discussed or mentioned. But this is not the Political Forum. When a thread risks getting derailed, the political topic needs to be abandoned. If you want to continue the topic, create a thread in the Political Forum.
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