Nats GM just got ejected from the game from the suites

Aug 17, 2020
Reaction score
$ 10,650.00

Arguing balls and strikes from a long way away. One of the benefits of no fans I guess. Also, he wasn't wearing a mask, and I'd arrest his ass for attempted murder.
So that's what officially happened?
Joe West did that 100% because he hates masks.
Joe West did that 100% because he hates masks.
Rules are rules. Stopping a game in progress to throw out a GM for not wearing a mask is where it's all Joe West. Seems like there's probably another way to go about that one.
I find the whole situation hilarious. Joe West was obviously just pissed about Rizzo complaining about the strikezone, but used Rizzo not wearing a mask as an excuse to throw him out. There was nobody within 500 feet of Rizzo.
I find the whole situation hilarious. Joe West was obviously just pissed about Rizzo complaining about the strikezone, but used Rizzo not wearing a mask as an excuse to throw him out. There was nobody within 500 feet of Rizzo.
You could actually hear someone ask Joe "Why?" and he said "he's not wearing a mask." So at the exact moment he began angrily bitching about balls and strikes, Joe decided to enforce that rule? LOL
For some reason I thought it was really funny too how the organ kept playing the whole time. :dhd:
he doesn't even wear it over his nose and he wants to enforce masks?
Rules are rules. Stopping a game in progress to throw out a GM for not wearing a mask is where it's all Joe West. Seems like there's probably another way to go about that one.
Country joe loves country joe.
Players talking with ventriloquist-mouth to their teammates as they're walking in: "OMG Joe West is coming this way. Don't look! Just fucking WALK!"

Looking at this track list, I think I'd rather have a donation made in my name to the Human Fund than receive this as a gift.
View attachment 2513

Looking at this track list, I think I'd rather have a donation made in my name to the Human Fund than receive this as a gift.
There’s some great songs on that CD, but none I’d be interested in hearing him sing. Sing Me Back Home is a Merle Haggard standard, and Keith Richards has the only cover of it I’ve ever heard that was worth a damn.
There’s some great songs on that CD, but none I’d be interested in hearing him sing. Sing Me Back Home is a Merle Haggard standard, and Keith Richards has the only cover of it I’ve ever heard that was worth a damn.
Yeah. He blows. I wouldn't want him singing any songs I liked. I don't even want him umpiring any games that I watch. He seems to be of the opinion he's the dude fans want to see on the field.

Here's Ozzie on Joe West (while he's hard as shit to understand and some clown filmed his TV and uploaded this video to YouTube, you get the point):

Yeah. He blows. I wouldn't want him singing any songs I liked. I don't even want him umpiring any games that I watch. He seems to be of the opinion he's the dude fans want to see on the field.

Here's Ozzie on Joe West (while he's hard as shit to understand and some clown filmed his TV and uploaded this video to YouTube, you get the point):

I couldn’t understand a damned thing Ozzie said there. But I think he said “fuck Joe West” at least once, so I agree with everything he said.